

The Lancet


Guilherme Calvet, Renato S Aguiar, Adriana S O Melo, Simone A Sampaio, Ivano de Filippis, Allison Fabri, Eliane S M Araujo, Patricia C de Sequeira, Marcos C L de Mendonc̀§a, Louisi de Oliveira, Diogo A Tschoeke, Carlos G Schrago, Fabiano L Thompson, Patricia Brasil, Flavia B dos Santos,
Rita M R Nogueira, Amilcar Tanuri, Ana M B de Filippis


Background: The incidence of microcephaly in Brazil in 2015 was 20 times higher than in previous years. Congenital microcephaly is associated with genetic factors and several causative agents. Epidemiological data suggest that microcephaly cases in Brazil might be associated with the introduction of Zika virus. We aimed to detect and sequence the Zika virus genome in amniotic fluid samples of two pregnant women in Brazil whose fetuses were diagnosed with microcephaly.

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