

The Lancet


John Maurice

If viruses had ears, Zika virus would be in bad shape after listening to a WHO offi cial describing the armamentarium the world is getting ready to launch against it. “Based on our experience with research and development during the west Africa Ebola epidemic, WHO’s [R&D] response is proceeding very quickly for Zika”, Marie-Paule Kieny, WHO Assistant Director-General, Health Systems and Innovation, told a press conference on Feb 12 at the agency’s headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. WHO, she said, has identifi ed industry and research institutions interested in developing the tools needed to combat the Zika epidemic now taking hold in 26 countries (panel). There is an urgent need for vaccines, diagnostic tests, and prophylactic medicines
against Zika as well as innovative technologies to pit against the mosquitoes that carry the virus.

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